Fellow Union County Republicans


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The monthly breakfast will be held in Rahway at the Rahway Yacht club, Sunday March 12th, from 10 am to 1 pm
Rsvp required -Click here
Directions click here
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Month of March's Upcoming events!!!
Springfield Republicans Host a comedy night, with Bill Spadea. March 8th
Join the Rahway Republicans on Thursday March 23, 6pm to 9pm 
Directions click here
Show up and show your support for Asw. Michele Matsikoudis February 28th
The Union County Endorsed 2023 Republican Candidates
Congratulations to our LD-21 team at securing the Union County Convention. Senator Jon Bramnick, Assemblywoman Nancy Munoz, and Michele Matsikoudios
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 I'd like to introduce you to the Union County Candidate team for Sheriff and Commissioner, Gerardo Napolitano for Sheriff, Carlos Santos, Brian Johdos and Cathy Jacowitz for Commissioner. 
Ld 22 candidates William Michealson For Senate, Lisa Fabrizo, and Pat Quattrocchi for Assembly
Carmen Bucco for Senate LD 20
Congratulations to all Union County Endorsed Candidates.
Our temporary District Office is open! We are located inside the Bridgewater Municipal Building, 100 Commons Way, Bridgewater, NJ 08807. Our team is ready to serve the people of #NJ07 908-547-3307 Click the image and give them a like on Facebook
We are actively seeking membership for County Committee positions in Union County. If you are interested in learning more, please fill out the form below or contact Union County Director of Committee Development Carlos Santos
at 908-758-7111
Join County Committee form
Please visit my website, constantly making new improvements.
Visit my website at to find a link to every towns website and social media link in Union County or go directly to the page for listings via this link
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News from the Elizabeth Republican Committee. Tahirih and Committee are working hard to give the people of Elizabeth a voice again, please let's help support them.
Elizabeth Republican Committee has an official Website visit it at or by clicking the Image
News from The Rahway Republican Party
Rahway Republicans have a very nice website up and running.
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