Commissioner Candidates


Countywide Overdevelopment

Union County has been victimized by the liberal court mandated “affordable housing” decisions. This has led to massive overdevelopment in our communities. Our residents have suffered with traffic congestion and overcrowded schools. The favored developers have grown rich at our expense. We need to encourage common sense development and discourage reckless overdevelopment.

Financial Checks & Balances

Checks and balances are essential to good government. The all-Democrat commissioner board votes in lockstep on every issue. It is time to hear a different point of view. We all need to be represented on the board, not just the elite few.

Law & Order

The all Democrat Board of Commissioners have sold out honest hard working citizens in favor of criminals. Auto theft, drug fatalities, and street crime are all reaching all time highs. The democrats want to give the bad guys a pass. We support law enforcement so that honest people can have a chance.

Sex Education K-5

Our children need to be educated academically and not indoctrinated with the latest “woke” trends. Let teachers be teachers, let parents be parents, and for God's sake let children be children!


"Union County Republicans
Deserve Better Leadership"

It's Time For Change!

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Union County Vote, Commissioner, Berkeley Heights Votes,Clark Votes,Cranford Votes,Elizabeth Votes, Fanwood Votes,Garwood Votes,Hillside Votes,Kenilworth Votes,Linden Votes,Mountainside Votes, New Providence Votes,Plainfield Votes,Rahway Votes,Roselle Votes,Roselle Park Votes,Scotch Plains Votes, Springfield Votes,Summit Votes,Union Twp Votes,Westfield Votes,Winfield Votes